Friday, February 11, 2011

Ms. Ida's Boys and Girls

Made by Ms. Ida Murphy of  Thoomas, WV

      This quilt was appliqued by Ms. Ida.   I love it.   It is tied.  I love the girls and boys representing a period of time before African Americans were free.  Still here is a quilt of beauty depicting an ugly time .  This is what I love about my people who have consistently in the face of the inhuman and unloving, created of it a thing of beauty and dignity and love.  
      Ms. Ida, the mother of my friend, Ilene Evans, is in her 80s, recently quilted the civil war quilt that is being raffled off  by Ilene's organization, Voices of the Earth.  She amazes me.

May you be inspired!

1 comment:

  1. Dee J. Thank you for your comments in my blog. You are an artist. I like what your wrote above "in the face of inhuman and unloving (my people) created a thing of beauty, dignity and love".
    I read Gee's Bend quilters book and as I read their stories and words I felt humble and inspirated by the lifes of these strong and spirited women. They keep a place in my heart and learn from them to free my spirit while working on my quilts and focus not in perfection but in develop my own voice and spirit.



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