Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Ruth Elizabeth at 89 was ACCEPTED for the WV Cultural Center Quilt Exhibit.   ALLELUIA!

In the meantime I was busy busy busy completing several projects for the ST. Peter Claver 8th Annual Quilt Exhibit.   Here are my entries for this year:

Crazy Patch placemats and coasters were made for doorprizes for annual show.

"JOE ARTIST"  another finally finished quilt that has languished  on and off my machine for past two years.  It was originally for my grandson Jordan 's graduation from HS.   He'll be graduating from college in another year.

"Scrappy Lap" Quilt
"NASSAU NICE"  was what I named the mystery quilt we did at retreat this year because of the island colors.
DIVERSE DIVA was submitted for our BW Challenge this year.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ruth Elizabeth at 89

         It is done finally.   I'm not the world's best photographer and I'm definitely not a fan of the new Photos appplication.   With IPhoto I had a tilt option to fix  things like the above, not so with Photos.   I think Photos is a step backwards instead of forwards---don't know why apple changed.  The editing tools were better on IPhoto too in my opinion.
      The portrait quilt sits on another quilt which frames it.(not crookedly either), a technique I learned from Jean Wells ( Winter 2010-2011 International lQuilt Festival: Quilt Scene).  I've submitted it for an upcoming show.  Should hear something soon.

A pic of final piece and frame, but though I edited out surrounding stuff, it still shows here.


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