Thursday, September 2, 2010


There seems to be a lot going on these days.   I can't believe it's been a month since my last post already.    I've been on vacation, at a youth camp, to family reunion and on a spiritual retreat.  And busy, busy, busy at home with quilting, homemaking and entertaining between the other.   THERE!    Apologies and excuses done.

New crazy quilt, "Mountain Haven" (WV Mountains Series) has been occupying most of my time lately:

In truth, I've finished the blocks, but didn't take picture of the finished blocks.  I'm in the process of squaring up blocks, then I will join them and post top.  It's been an interesting and challenging process so far.  I just hope my interests in this type of piecing doesn't wane before I'm finished with the quilting which I'm looking forward to at this juncture.  I haven't used my Handi-quilter (16) much and I need the work and practice on it.   Of course I have a couple of other smaller projects that will require quilting  and will afford me practice too.

Another project I've been working with is the ART GAWK Walk in Huntington.   I have six fabric portraits in the project.  Here are examples of those portraits:





Currently, I'm working on another portrait of a young man and his fiance.   The ones above are all 8 x 10 size.   The engaged couple is going to be quite a bit larger.   I'm hoping that it works in the larger framework.   In recent Quilting Arts magazine there was an article on Deidre Scherer and her series of portraits of elderly people.   She is a master and an inspiration for me.  I find I have several who inspire me in this genre.  Among that group would be Marilyn Belford, Maria Elkins, Leni Wiener.

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